About the Map

Charles Marville (1816-1879) photographed Paris (1859-1877) before and after its reconstruction by Baron Haussmann. Using the Marville photographs in M. de Thézy’s Marville Paris (1994, Tpage#), our team rephotographed those same streets from roughly the same perspective, but now about 130 years later. (The text in the T bubbles is taken from de Thézy.) The team included Tom Holman and Fritz Koenig, Asha Weinstein Agrawal and Alan Weinstein, Ramesh Govindan and Aditi Ramesh, Alan Middleton, Jean-Michel Laurian, Peter and Pamela Gordon, Tracey Seslen, Catherine Galley, Rachel Weinberger and Gretchen Ostheimer, Richard Sundeen, Augustin Chaintreau, Suzanne Klein, Bruce Liedstrand, Asha Weinstein Agrawal and Jennifer Dill, Lee Hardy, a class at the University of Manitoba led by Professor David van Vliet, Laron Turley, and Gerald Panter.
Leonard Pitt has kindly corrected some of our mistakes, and also contributed photographs and captions from his two fine books on Paris's streets: Promenade dans le Paris Disparu (2002, Dpage#) and Paris: Un Voyage Dans le Temps (2008, Vpage#).

Clicking on a marker will bring up the Marville photograph and a contemporary rephotograph. We have also provided the Google Street Views, and if you click on the Street View link you can explore further. The "Further Information" page on this website provides links to the books used in this project.

Google Map by Kazuma Kazeyama, design by Daniel Heller, and translation help provided by Anaïs Angoulvant. (Fall 2010)

If you discover any errors or discrepancies, we would appreciate your writing to krieger@usc.edu

We are grateful for the financial support of the Office of the Provost at USC through an Advancing Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences award.

Martin Krieger, School of Policy, Planning, and Development, University of Southern California.